FUNLANDCASINO.ORG Hotel & Casino Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:46:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The One Mistake That’s Sabotaging Your Wealth-Building Journey Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:46:33 +0000

When it comes to financial planning, the conventional wisdom used to be straightforward: save your money.

Traditionally, parents and grandparents would preach the virtues of stashing away every penny, often recalling the difficult times they endured. While they believed that holding onto money would provide the ultimate protection against unforeseen hardships, it is important to recognize that times have changed. 

In today’s ever-changing world of finance and economics, relying solely on saving is not enough to attain true wealth.

True wealth necessitates more than mere accumulation; it demands strategic financial manoeuvring. It entails understanding the power of investments, the potential of diversification, and the ability to leverage opportunities when they arise. 

It means being aware of the ever-evolving landscape of financial markets and being able to adapt and make informed decisions accordingly.

In this dynamic era, where financial landscapes are constantly shifting, it is vital to broaden our perspective and think beyond conventional saving. By embracing a more expansive and strategic mindset, we can navigate the complexities of today’s financial world and pave the way for long-term financial success and security.

The Changing Face of the Economy

The economy has changed since our parents gave their sage advice. Inflation has become a silent, ever-present force diminishing the value of your hard-earned mo I ney. Increasingly the modest interest rates that are offered by conventional savings accounts, fall short of the average annual inflation rate. 

As a result, although your bank balance may grow nominally, your purchasing power is likely to stay the same or even decline.

In our digital age, with all the technological advancements and global economic shifts happening around us, having a passive approach towards wealth accumulation is like trying to win a race while standing still. It just won’t work.

Understanding the Power of Investment

Nowadays, we have sophisticated investment vehicles at our disposal, allowing us to grow our wealth. One of these vehicles is compound interest, famously referred to as the eighth wonder of the world by Einstein. 

Unlike simple interest, compound interest has the power to snowball, maximising returns over time and substantially increasing wealth.

Take our client, Sarah, for instance. She began with one commercial property and, with the power of compound interest, expanded her empire into a multi-million dollar portfolio. 

This remarkable achievement was not solely by chance; it was a result of well-thought-out decisions, utilising compound interest, and a deep comprehension of the market.

While it’s true that the world of investments comes with pitfalls and risks, some of which can be significant, you can mitigate many potential losses by diversifying your assets and prudently managing risks.

By spreading your investments across different asset classes you can potentially minimise the impact of any single investment’s performance on your overall portfolio. 

Additionally, developing a robust risk management strategy can help protect your capital and optimise your investment returns. 

With a thoughtful and proactive approach, you can navigate the complexities of the investment landscape more effectively and increase the potential for long-term financial success.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.” – Albert Einstein

The Golden Goose of Investments

With my extensive experience as a buyer’s agent and investor in the commercial property market, I have had the privilege of uncovering numerous advantages and untapped potential in the dynamic world of commercial real estate. 

Not only does this market present excellent investment opportunities, but it also offers a reliable source of rental income. In contrast to residential properties, commercial tenants typically commit to longer leases, offering a heightened sense of stability and consistent returns. 

Additionally, the value of commercial real estate tends to appreciate steadily, acting as a formidable buffer against the inherent volatility of traditional market investments such as stocks. 

As a result, commercial properties play a pivotal role in a diversified portfolio, providing the much-needed stability and peace of mind that many investors seek.

The Drawbacks of Keeping Cash in the Bank

Storing cash in the bank and regularly checking your bank statement to see a substantial sum can offer a reassuring sense of security. However, historical events have demonstrated that our money may not be as safe as we assume. 

During financial crises and recessions, banks can fail, exposing the vulnerability of our funds and leaving us grappling with uncertainty.

Additionally, there’s another hidden disadvantage to solely keeping cash. By not allowing our money to generate more money, every dormant dollar in your bank account represents a potential missed opportunity for earning passive income. 

It is crucial to take into account the growth potential that can be realised through exploring alternative investment options. These options can leverage the compounding returns, thereby facilitating the creation of substantial wealth over time. 

While seeking security from banks is understandable, it is vital to consider the opportunity cost and explore avenues that enable us to maximise the productivity of our hard-earned money.

Transforming Our Wealth Mindset

The investment landscape can be overwhelming, with countless options, advice, and information to consider, making it challenging to know where to start on the path to financial growth. However, choosing to be paralyzed by these decisions is an expensive choice that can hinder your progress. 

Transitioning from saving to true wealth creation requires a profound mindset shift that propels you towards prosperity and long-term financial security.

By expanding your knowledge and exploring new avenues of wealth creation, you can embrace a more comprehensive approach to financial planning. 

Additionally, it involves cultivating financial literacy and seeking guidance from professionals who specialise in various aspects of wealth management.

Financial freedom and wealth are not distant dreams; they are tangible realities waiting for those willing to evolve their financial strategies and embrace a proactive approach. 

Through my personal experiences, I have witnessed individuals reshape their financial destinies, not solely by luck, but by embracing knowledge, seeking expert guidance, and taking calculated risks.

It’s important to acknowledge that it is not just about collecting wealth; it is about acquiring knowledge and conducting thorough research to make informed financial decisions that shape our economic paths. 

Now, more than ever, is the ideal moment to optimise our potential, abandon outdated financial doctrines, and welcome the dynamic realm of wealth creation through strategic investments. With these actions, we can lay the foundation for a secure financial future.

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Your Life, Your Ship: How to Captain Your Journey to Self-Fulfillment Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:44:32 +0000

Life is often compared to a journey, and in this grand expedition, you are the captain of your ship. Just as a ship’s captain determines its course and destination, you have the power to shape your life’s path and steer it towards fulfillment.

This metaphor serves as a reminder that we hold the reins of our destiny, and the choices we make can determine the quality of the journey. So, how can you navigate your life’s ship in the direction of fulfillment?

Let’s embark on this exploration of personal empowerment and self-discovery.

Set Your Course

Just as a ship needs a clear destination, your life requires direction. Start by defining your goals and aspirations. What is it that you truly desire in life? Whether it’s a successful career, meaningful relationships, personal growth, or all of the above, chart your course by setting specific, achievable objectives. When you have a destination in mind, you can better plan your journey.

Consider the following questions:

What are your long-term and short-term goals?
What does fulfillment mean to you personally?
How do you envision your life in the future?

Your answers to these questions will be your North Star, guiding you as you captain your life’s ship.

Hoist the Sails of Self-Discovery

To captain your life effectively, you must understand yourself and your values. This is like learning to navigate your ship through varying weather conditions and terrains.

Self-discovery is a continuous process that involves understanding your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and beliefs.

By knowing yourself, you can make decisions that align with your values and bring you closer to fulfillment.

Reflect on your past experiences, both positive and negative. What have you learned from them?
What are your core values and principles? How do they guide your decisions?
What are your strengths, and how can you leverage them in your journey?
Identify areas where you’d like to improve or grow.

Just as a ship’s captain knows their vessel inside and out, you should be intimately acquainted with your own capabilities and limitations.

Navigate Challenges with Resilience

Life’s journey is seldom smooth sailing. Storms and obstacles are inevitable, and it’s during these challenging moments that your role as captain becomes crucial. Resilience is the quality that allows you to weather these storms and emerge stronger.

Embrace a growth mindset. See challenges as opportunities for learning and personal development.
Cultivate emotional intelligence. Understand and manage your emotions effectively.
Seek support from your crew, which may include friends, family, mentors, or a support network.
Maintain a positive attitude and focus on solutions rather than problems.

When you face adversity with resilience, you demonstrate your captaincy over your life’s ship, steering it away from despair and towards fulfillment.

The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.” – Myles Munroe

Adjust Your Course as Needed

Just as a ship’s captain must constantly adjust the ship’s course to account for changes in the environment, you must be flexible and adaptable in life. The journey to fulfillment is not a straight line, and it’s okay to change your course when necessary. Sometimes, the initial destination you set may not lead to the fulfillment you seek. When this happens, don’t be afraid to alter your path.

Regularly evaluate your progress and reassess your goals.
Be open to new opportunities and experiences that may lead to unexpected fulfillment.
Learn from your mistakes and use them to make more informed decisions.

Flexibility and adaptability are valuable traits that will help you captain your life’s ship more effectively.

Be Mindful of Your Crew

As the captain of your life, you are not alone on this journey. Your life’s ship is filled with a crew of individuals who play important roles in your experiences and fulfillment. This crew includes friends, family, mentors, and even acquaintances who may come and go. It’s essential to recognize the impact of these relationships on your journey.

Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who uplift and encourage you.
Foster meaningful and authentic connections with others.
Seek guidance and wisdom from mentors who have navigated similar paths.
Be a supportive and compassionate crew member in the lives of those around you.

Remember that the relationships you nurture can either propel you toward fulfillment or weigh you down, so choose your crew wisely.

Embrace the Joys of the Journey

Fulfillment is not solely found at the end of your life’s journey but also in the experiences along the way. Just as a ship’s captain appreciates the beauty of the sea and the sky, you should take the time to savor the moments in your life. These moments may be small victories, moments of connection, or simply the joy of pursuing your passions.

Practice gratitude for the present moment.
Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small.
Make time for self-care and relaxation to recharge your energy.
Stay open to the unexpected pleasures and joys life offers.

By embracing the joys of the journey, you’ll find that fulfillment becomes a constant companion, not just a distant destination.

Your life is indeed your ship, and you are its captain. With a clear course, self-discovery, resilience, adaptability, and the support of a meaningful crew, you have the power to captain your journey toward fulfillment. Every decision you make, every challenge you face, and every moment you savor contributes to the legacy of your voyage.

So, set your course, navigate with purpose, and enjoy the beauty of the journey. Fulfillment is not a destination; it is a way of traveling through life as the captain of your own ship.

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Cultivating Success: Strategies for Nurturing and Empowering Your Top Performers Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:41:31 +0000

In the highly competitive landscape of today’s professional sphere, retaining your top talent is crucial to securing a valuable resource.

The goal is to identify opportunities to keep these exceptional individuals not only engaged but also consistently motivated.

In this article, we explore strategies and techniques for ensuring that your most accomplished team members remain enthusiastic and committed.

However, before diving into the strategies, it’s imperative to clearly define what characterizes key attributes of these exemplary workers and understand how to identify them within your organization.

This foundational understanding will set the stage for implementing the following recommendations.

What is a high-performing employee?

A high-performing or highly capable employee is an individual who consistently produces superior results and exceeds the expectations and standards set for their role within an organization.

You can count on them to get the job done, and they go to do it so well that it makes the rest of us look like mere mortals. In addition, their work is top-notch, and they don’t let errors slide.

Some of them are like unofficial leaders, even if they’re not in “charge”. They inspire and guide the rest of us, and they’re always hungry to learn and grow.

So, high-performing employees are like the superheroes of the workplace. They make a big difference and are often the ones who get the gold stars and extra pats on the back from the boss.

How to Identify High Performers On Your Team

So, how can you tell if you’ve got high performers on your team without making it overly complicated?

Here are four straightforward ways to spot high performers in your team, with no fancy jargon required:

Consistent Excellence: Look for team members who consistently shine, day in and day out. They don’t just hit the target; they surpass it regularly.
Results That Pop: High performers don’t just work hard; they work smart. They achieve impressive results, and you can see it in the numbers or the quality of their work.
Problem-Solving Prowess: Look for those who quickly tackle challenges head-on. They’re like workplace detectives, spotting and fixing problems effortlessly.
Team Player with Impact: High performers aren’t just individual stars; they also elevate the team. They collaborate effectively and make everyone around them better.

Identifying them might be simpler than you think. Just pay attention to those who consistently impress and make a positive impact.

Strategies for Attracting and Retaining Top Performers

If you are a manager, you probably have ignored at some point your most competent workers. It happens to the best of us.

It is easy because they already do the job well and don’t require any supervision. However, it is vital to take the time to nurture your relationship with them.

Managers who do not actively work to keep their top talents happy may find their talent lured away.

So, with the one going in mind – attracting and retaining top talents – let’s check out strategies that can prove highly effective:

Opportunities for Growth and Recognition:

Provide options for personal and professional growth. High-performing employees seek recognition for their exceptional contributions. Encourage them to challenge themselves with new tasks and responsibilities.
Cultivate a workplace culture that celebrates high achievement and fosters an environment that does not punish mistakes.
Engagement and Decision-Making Involvement: Engage with top talents as strategic partners in the decision-making process. This level of involvement communicates their value and contributes to building a sense of belonging within the organization.
Financial Incentives: Recognize that beyond a competitive salary, offering financial incentives such as bonuses and commissions can further motivate top talents to assume additional responsibilities and excel.

Motivating Your High-Performing Team: Strategies for Sustained Success

Motivating your top-performing team members can make a significant difference in your department and overall company’s performance, productivity, and team spirit.

Effective leaders must work to identify and implement strategies to keep employee engagement and keep these high achievers motivated.

Let’s check some examples:

Valuing a High Performer

Show your high achievers that you respect and value their contributions. Make an effort to connect with them, convey trust, and express your care for their well-being. Acknowledge and praise their efforts, particularly when they successfully complete significant projects or overcome challenges.

Facilitating Growth and Development

High performers tend to thrive when they are challenged. They are driven to acquire new skills and knowledge to reach their full potential.

As a manager, you can create fresh challenges by engaging them in conversations about their future professional goals and constantly seeking out and brainstorming experiences that align with those objectives.

Consider providing opportunities for upskilling or reskilling (like leadership tasks) or enabling them to collaborate with other departments to expand their institutional knowledge.

Pairing with Mentors

While it may seem like high achievers are self-sufficient, offering them a mentor can be highly beneficial.

Mentors help them integrate into the company, understand organizational processes, and learn from others’ experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and continuous learning.

Recognizing and Rewarding Performance

Your high performers want to know that their exceptional efforts and accomplishments are acknowledged consistently, not just during formal performance reviews.

Consider recognizing and rewarding their performance with financial incentives like raises and bonuses or through social spotlights such as awards and announcements.

It’s essential to reward only outstanding performance to maintain the meaningfulness and impact of these acknowledgments.

“High performers are not born, they are conditioned by habit.” – Brendon Burchard

How to manage a high-performing employee

As a manager, it’s crucial to tailor your approach to each employee’s unique needs.

What works like a charm for the average team member might not cut it for your high-performing rock stars.

Managing your employees effectively doesn’t just benefit them – it also boosts your business’s stability and your own success too. So, let’s explore some strategies you should consider:

Listen and Encourage Contribution

It all starts with listening. Star performers often brim with creative ideas, and when you give them a voice, they can take your company to new heights.

Every organization benefits from fresh perspectives. Plus, you will make them feel heard and valued, and they’re more likely to stick around.

As a manager, lead by example with an open mindset and create an environment where top performers feel comfortable sharing their insights.

Avoid Over/Micro-Managing

While I believe some employees benefit from micro-management, high achievers definitely fall outside this category.

They need space to excel, while accountability remains crucial. Focus on setting clear personal and professional expectations and realistic deadlines. Consider assigning them leadership tasks to prove themselves.

Provide specific, timely, and relevant feedback, and accept that even the best employees can slip up from time to time.

Challenge and Inspire

Boredom is the enemy of high performers. They’re at their best when solving problems that pique their curiosity and ambition.

Keep their work engaging by requesting original ideas or reimagining existing processes. Consider connecting them with other high-performers on projects, as working alongside equally talented peers can ignite motivation and spark fresh ideas.

Ensure they always have important tasks that resonate with their ambitions.

In conclusion, engaging and challenging your top performers is not just a matter of keeping them content; it’s a strategic imperative.

High-performing employees are the driving force behind your organization’s success, and their consistent motivation and dedication can elevate your entire team.

Remember the importance of creating a culture that values their contributions, provides opportunities for growth, and recognizes their exceptional efforts. You can create an environment where high achievers thrive and continue to be the A players they are.

Following these principles will enhance the overall performance of your organization, making it a win-win for everyone involved.

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When It Comes to Selling Your Business, Make Sure to Have This in Place Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:39:02 +0000

Selling a company is a complicated and intricate process. The preparation to sell can often take up to 12 months (and sometimes longer). The sale can take equally as long.

If that comes as a shock to you—and it does to many first-time sellers—stay with me. The sales process should be long. After all, you spent years building your business. Do you really want to turn around in seconds and sell it? 

Chances are if you say “Yes” to that, then you’re motivated only by the money. Not a bad thing; many people are. But something tells me that for most of you, if you’ve spent years building a business into a multi-million-dollar enterprise, then you have some emotional attachment. If that applies to you, you’re not alone; it should be a complex and complicated process to let it go.

So, stay the course. I promise the reward outweighs the boring, tedious parts of the process that can make your head spin. It may help to liken the selling of your business to selling the sum of all its parts, rather than focusing on the final step; if you look at it that way, then you’ll more easily recognize that the process is managed well in stages. Many who’ve come before you have emerged victorious. You will as well.

To make the whole process easier, there’s one key thing you cannot go without: a great team. As you are assembling your team, remember that one of its most important members is a good attorney. To help you find the right one, I spoke to Mike Coker, one of the best transactional attorneys I know.

Mr. Coker has a long track record representing clients in multi-million-dollar exit sales. He’s also an “AV Preeminent” Peer Review Rated attorney by Martindale-Hubbell®, the highest recognition possible in the legal industry. Let’s go through some of the insights I gleaned from my conversation with him.

#1: Initial Questions are Crucial

Finding a great attorney starts with asking the right initial questions. Make sure you interview prospective candidates to find out if they’ve handled your particular type of sale before. Ask them about their track record, too, and make sure you can speak to former clients about them. Along with talking to former clients, speak to your CPA or other accountants about the attorney.

While it’s important that you ask prospective attorneys some questions, they should also ask you some questions. Mr. Coker, for example, said that the first thing he asks every client is, “What are you planning to do after you sell? Have you considered how this is going to affect all your employees and the people you support? What are your reasons for selling?”

Make sure you’ve thought about your motivation for selling before you start interviewing attorneys—and before you start the sales process. Make a list of the pros and cons of selling, and use it to help come to a logical and well-informed decision. At the same time, spend some time thinking about what you’ll do after you sell. It’s a big change; it’s vital to be prepared.

#2: Understand the Process

Once you’ve interviewed prospects and decided on an attorney, your job isn’t finished. It’s important that you understand the sales process and what role you will play in it.

First and foremost, get your accounting in shape. Work with a good CPA (your attorney can recommend one if you don’t have that member of your team yet) to get your books in order.

Next, start targeting your prospective buyers. It often makes sense to use your lawyer for this part of the process. Mr. Coker advises targeting your competitors; so, if you already know your top competitors and have buyers in mind, that’s a plus.

Finally, make sure you understand how the attorney will proceed with contacting the buyers without leaking the sale or breaching confidentiality. Mr. Coker, for example, explained that his team calls the buyer anonymously and asks if they might be interested. Then, they draft an NDA and ask the potential buyer to sign it before disclosing any details about the sale.

#3: Be Part of the Team Effort

When you have a great team around you, it can be tempting to step back and let them handle every single detail. Avoid that temptation, though—remember, this is a team effort. That means your team will all be working with you, but they’ll also be working with each other.

For example, your attorney will work closely with your financial advisor to start the financial planning. This is so crucial that they should start the process before the sale is complete. Same for the estate planning: it should begin well before the close.

Because collaboration is so important to the success of the sale, make sure you trust and like everyone on your team. In some instances (like your financial planner), you’ll be working with these people far beyond the duration of the sales process; if you don’t like them or trust them, it’s going to be very difficult to have an effective and productive relationship.

You Have the Final Say

A great team is crucial if you want a good sales outcome. Ultimately, though, remember that you are the one making the final decisions. Your team—especially your attorney—is there to advise you, but you have the final say.

This is especially important to remember when you’re considering which offer to accept. Sometimes, your emotions will draw you to one offer over another. The one you’re drawn to might not be the best financially, but it might appeal to your emotions (or you might simply like the person who made the lower offer better).

Your team can advise you on which offer is the best fiscally, but they should not get in the way of a sale. However, they should never nitpick or stand in your way. Their role is to move the sale along and advise you about potential risks.

Bottom line, when you are embarking on an exit sale, particularly a multi-million-dollar exit sale, make sure you have a great attorney, CPA, and financial advisor on your side. I’ve seen it over and over: having a stellar team truly can mean the difference between a successful sale or a failed one.

This content is adapted from Seasons of Selling.

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What To Do (And What Not To Do) At Your Office Holiday Party Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:37:05 +0000

It’s the holidays, right? Time to pour a few drinks with your favorite colleagues and finally break the ice with your iciest boss. But what you might not be thinking about is that your behavior at your office holiday events might directly impact your career headed into 2024. It’s not just Santa who’s watching…

Not to scrooge all over your fun workplace event, but it’s helpful to have a strategy and a mindset on how the holiday party might relate to your position. But this doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t have any fun—quite the opposite, actually. 

From all-out multiday retreats to quaint little coffee get-togethers, here’s how to strategically think through your event as a leader or employee, including what not to do at your office holiday party. 

How to behave at the company holiday party

You aren’t at your bestie’s bachelorette party. Nor are you presenting in the boardroom. So aim for somewhere in between, says Jenny Dreizen, an etiquette expert and co-founder of Fresh Starts Registry in Edinburgh, Scotland. “Your work is your source of income, and for most of us, we need that income to keep flowing inward. From making an inappropriate joke to getting overly emotional—save it for your friend’s holiday events. In the workplace, be a slightly more festive and relaxed version of your everyday self.”

An easy trick to remember is whether you’d want to face your colleagues the next day after doing or saying something borderline. Even if your workplace offers a more party vibe for the holiday party, remember that these are still your co-workers and supervisors,” says Jennifer Bishop, an event planner and owner of J. Leigh Events in Charlotte, North Carolina. “You have to see these people again the next day or after the weekend. There is nothing wrong with letting loose, but try to keep your wits about you and keep your composure.”

Get to know those typically out of reach

Maybe you work remotely for someone you see twice per year. Or maybe every time your manager has been in your building, they are flying around trying to keep up with daily tasks and haven’t really gotten to know you. Now’s your chance. 

“Get to know your bosses and their peers. Corporate holiday parties are a time when executives feel and show gratitude for their employees,” says Sindhu Srivastava, CEO at We Crush Events, a corporate events company in Los Angeles. “Make a personal connection with them by asking about them versus talking shop.” 

It might not be your boss you want to chat with but a potential new colleague or another co-worker you don’t typically interact with. These relationships are worth investing in at the holiday party and beyond to improve everyone’s quality of work and life back at the office.

What not to do at a work holiday party: Don’t be MIA

It might seem like one more extra in an already-packed holiday season. But it’s an extra you want to reply “yes” to. “Do participate, even if it is taking place during your lunch hour,” Bishop says. “Trust me when I say people will notice if you choose to skip.” 

But Bishop also says to take care not to RSVP “yes” and then not show up, as the company is putting money into food, drink and decor costs. “Don’t bring a plus one or a significant other if they are not invited—that goes for the kiddos too.”

On the other hand, Dreizen recommends not pushing employees who can’t make it. Keep expectations reasonable given the stressors this time of year. “Be friendly, be warm, don’t cajole people into drinking and don’t ask people why they are not partaking,” Dreizen says. “Set an end time for the party so people don’t get too crazy. If they want to let loose, let them do that at an after-party they create or with friends after.”

Keep the reason for the season at the forefront of planning

If you are in charge of planning the event, keep employee appreciation front of mind and the center of all the events. Dreizen says, “If you hold that truth before you, you won’t fail.”

This can mean intentionally planning fun awards for employees, having meaningful conversations about their contributions this year or simply taking an interest in their personal and professional lives at the event.

Remember that you can’t manufacture appreciation at the holidays if the workplace environment hasn’t established it throughout the year or it will just feel fake. 

To keep the focus on employees rather than all-out partying, Bishop says planners can be intentional about preventing issues with alcohol. “We recently worked with a client that did a game night at a hotel. They provided all of their guests with two drink tickets and an Uber code/gift card to ensure everyone got home safely. While their guests were allowed to consume more than just the two drinks at the hotel bar, this set an expectation that this was meant to be a fun night.”

Joann Butler, president and CEO of Consultancy Media in New York, jokes, “Cut yourself off or you might accidentally end up promoting someone.”

What not to do at an office holiday party:Don’t be like these people

Dreizen shares the holiday bloopers she’s seen through the years—a quick guide of what not to do at a work holiday party.

“I worked at a company that had what could be called a frat-like atmosphere—one year, we went to this lovely restaurant… I’d organized the whole thing with the owner of the restaurant. We rented out the back room, the wine flowed and the menu was delicious. One of the lead developers decided the best move was to go take shots at the bar; he failed to read the room. It was not that kind of place. He also failed to take the shot, which he immediately vomited back up and onto the bar. The whole company had to leave the restaurant after that. It was a real buzzkill. Later that night, he would be ejected from our local dive bar for trying to use his MetroCard as an ID.

“Another coworker got overly enthusiastic at a festive karaoke event; he continuously cut into other people’s in-progress songs to perform his selected and favored tune—“Stacy’s Mom” by Fountains of Wayne. It was funny the first three times but frustrating the last four. Additionally, every time he finished, he would do a dramatic mic drop. The staff kept asking us not to do that as it was expensive equipment. This was someone fully letting loose, but on Monday, they still had to face their co-workers. It wasn’t the cutest look.”

Instead, be like Melissa Cuthbert, MBA, executive director at Timber Creek Counseling in Ann Arbor, Michigan: 

“I decided to use the company holiday party as an opportunity to build relational equity with my co-workers so that the next time I had to email them with an ask, they would have a positive association with the Melissa they remember from the holiday party. So I decided to volunteer to sing a song for the party—a party of about 600 people—with zero ability to carry a tune. People loved it. Years later, they still brought it up to me. I think it was ultimately a fun way to let loose and incredibly beneficial to me professionally in my day-to-day role.”

Photo by HomeArt/

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Forex Trading Glossary For Beginners – Your One-Stop Guide For All Things Forex Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:35:07 +0000

Forex trading is the act of buying and selling currencies on the foreign exchange market. This market is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume of over $5 trillion. It operates 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, and allows traders to buy and sell currencies from around the globe. The goal of forex trading is to make a profit by buying and selling currencies at prices that fluctuate based on market conditions and economic factors. The forex market is an ever-changing industry, which means that there is always something new to learn. This can be intimidating for new traders, who may feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and terminology they need to understand. However, it is important to invest the time and energy it takes to familiarize yourself with the basic terminology of the industry, as this is one of the first steps to becoming a successful forex trader. A forex trading glossary is a helpful resource that provides definitions and explanations of the terms and concepts commonly used in the forex market. By understanding these terms, traders can better navigate the market and make informed trading decisions.

What Is Forex Trading?

The forex market, commonly referred to as the foreign exchange market, allows for the buying and selling of various currencies. Since it is a worldwide market, it is not limited to a certain region or country. As a result, traders can participate in the market from anywhere in the world because it is always open.

In a forex transaction, one currency is bought or sold in exchange for another. For instance, you are doing a monetary transaction if you pay with dollars to buy euros. Each currency has frequent fluctuations in value as a result of a variety of economic factors, including interest rates, GDP, and political stability. Because of this, the forex market may be very erratic and provide traders a range of profitable trading opportunities.

The forex market is a popular choice for traders because it is available five days a week, twenty-four hours a day. As a result, traders are able to participate in the market whenever and wherever it is most convenient for them. It also suggests that trading is continuous and offers opportunities for profit for traders. In general, the forex market offers traders a variety of opportunities to engage in the buying and selling of different currencies in a dynamic, constantly changing marketplace.

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Major Currency Pairs

Major currency pairs, sometimes known as “majors,” are the most traded currency pairs on the forex market. The US dollar, Euro, British pound, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, and Canadian dollar are among the world’s most traded currencies. These currencies are regarded as significant due to their high volume of trade, high liquidity, and global acceptability as a means of payment.

In the forex market, major currency pairs serve as a standard against which other currencies are measured. For example, if you trade the EUR/USD pair, you would buy euros and sell dollars. The value of the pair is determined by the relative worth of the two currencies. If the euro is strong in relation to the dollar, the EUR/USD pair will gain in value. If the dollar is strong against the euro, the value of the pair will fall.

Major currency pairings are accessible for online trading on numerous forex trading platforms. These platforms provide users with access to current market information as well as a variety of tools and resources that can help traders make informed decisions. Because major currency pairings are extremely liquid, or easy to buy and sell, they offer a variety of opportunities for traders to profit on currency value changes.

Top Forex Indicators

The performance and behavior of a currency pair, as well as the performance of the wider market, can be studied using statistical approaches known as forex trading indicators. They provide critical data that can help traders determine the general direction and strength of a currency pair or the market, allowing them to make sound trading decisions. Some of the most prominent indicators available to traders include the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), the Relative Strength Index (RSI), the On Balance Volume (OBV), the Bollinger Bands, and the Stochastic Oscillator.

The MACD is a trend-following indicator that computes the difference between two moving averages. It is commonly used to identify trends and potential trend reversals. The RSI is a momentum indicator that measures how rapidly and severely prices vary. It can be used to identify overbought and oversold market conditions. The OBV is a volume-based indicator that forecasts price movements using volume data. Bollinger Bands are a type of price envelope that is used to evaluate the volatility of a currency pair. The Stochastic Oscillator gauges momentum by comparing a currency pair’s closing price to its price range over a given time period.

Traders must become familiar with these and other indicators in order to effectively judge the status of the market at any given time and make sound trading decisions. By integrating numerous indicators, traders can gain a more thorough view of the market and make sound decisions based on a variety of data sources.

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When using the forex trading glossary, it is critical to understand leverage. Leverage is a financial technique that allows traders to trade larger sums of money than they have available in their accounts. Margin trading, often known as leveraged FX trading, is the practice of borrowing money to increase your purchasing power. Leverage, which is typically expressed as a ratio and provides traders with a number of benefits, is also quite hazardous. As a result, it is critical that you thoroughly understand leverage before employing it in your trading.

Leverage is typically expressed as a ratio, such as 50:1 or 100:1. This means that the trader can make up to $50 or $100 in transactions for every $1 in their account. Leverage may be quite beneficial to traders since it allows them to trade larger positions without having to put up the entire amount of capital. This may increase the likelihood of a profitable trade.

However, leverage is fraught with danger. Traders are taking on additional risk because they are borrowing money to trade. If the transaction fails, the trader may lose more than their initial investment. Traders must therefore understand leverage thoroughly before employing it in their trading. Leverage should be used sparingly and only after carefully assessing the benefits and drawbacks. To summarize, leverage is a financial technique that allows traders to trade larger sums of money than they have in their account, but it also increases risk.

Margin and Margin Calls

The margin is the amount of money required to open and maintain a position in the foreign exchange market. When a trader wishes to enter a deal, he or she must put up a certain amount of money as a security deposit known as margin. This margin acts as collateral for the trade and aids in the recovery of any potential losses.

The margin required for a trade might vary depending on the size of the trade and the broker’s margin requirements. Traders must always have a certain amount of money in their accounts to meet the margin requirement. If the trader’s account balance goes below the needed margin, a margin call will be sent.

When a margin call is issued by the broker, the trader is urged to increase the amount in their account or liquidate some positions. This is done to protect the broker and ensure the trader has enough funds in their account to offset any potential losses. Deals may be automatically canceled out to protect the broker’s position if the trader is unable to satisfy the margin call.

Traders must carefully analyze the margin requirements of their trades and ensure that they always have enough money in their accounts to satisfy the margin need. They risk having their margin called and even losing their trades if they do not.

Short Selling and Going Long

To profit from changes in the value of currency pairs, forex traders typically use short selling and going long as trading strategies.

Short selling is the practice of selling a currency pair at a lower price than the going rate in the belief that the pair’s value will fall. A trader, for example, may elect to short sell the EUR/USD pair if they feel its value will fall. This implies exchanging euros for dollars in the expectation that the dollar will appreciate in value relative to the euro. If the value of the euros falls, the trader can repurchase them at a bargain and profit from the deal.

Going long is the inverse of short selling. When a trader buys a currency pair long, they are hoping that the pair’s value will climb. A trader, for example, may elect to go long on the GBP/USD pair if they feel its value will rise. They would buy pounds and sell dollars in order to capitalize on the predicted rise in the value of the pound in relation to the dollar. If the value of the pound rises, the trader will be able to sell them for a higher price and profit.

Going long and selling short both carry risks, thus neither strategy should be used before thoroughly researching and evaluating the market trend. Before employing any method, traders should carefully assess the potential rewards and risks, and they should only do so if they are confident in the results of their market analysis.

Take Profit and Stop Loss

Take profit and stop loss are two important terms associated with risk management in the forex market. They are used by traders to manage the risk of their trades and to protect themselves from potential losses.

A take profit order is a pre-determined order that automatically closes a trading position when a certain level of profit is reached. For example, if a trader has a long position in the EUR/USD pair and they want to lock in their profits once the pair reaches a certain level, they can set a take profit order at that level. Once the pair reaches the take profit level, the trade will be automatically closed and the profits will be locked in. Take profit orders help traders to ensure that they are able to capture their profits and reduce the risk of losing them.

A stop loss order is a pre-determined order that automatically closes a trading position when a certain level of loss is reached. For example, if a trader has a short position in the GBP/USD pair and they want to limit their potential losses, they can set a stop loss order at a certain level. If the pair reaches the stop loss level, the trade will be automatically closed and the losses will be minimized. Stop loss orders help traders to protect themselves from excessive losses and to manage their risk.

Take profit and stop loss orders are important tools for risk management in the forex market. They help traders to protect themselves from potential losses and to ensure that profits are locked in when predetermined goals are reached.

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The forex trading glossary is an essential resource for all traders, especially those who are new to the industry. It contains a wealth of terminology and concepts that are important for traders to understand in order to navigate the forex market successfully. These terms and concepts cover a wide range of topics, including trading strategies, risk management, market analysis, and more.

Taking the time to read and research the terms in the forex trading glossary is an important step for any aspiring trader. By familiarizing themselves with these terms and concepts, traders can become more informed and confident in their trading decisions. This knowledge can help traders to better understand the market, identify opportunities for profit, and make more informed and strategic trades.

Overall, the forex trading glossary is a valuable resource that can help traders to succeed in the forex market. By investing the time and energy it takes to understand these terms and concepts, traders can set the stage for success and start building a strong foundation for their trading journey.

Forex Trading Glossary FAQ

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Forex Risk Management For Beginners: Guide And More Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:33:02 +0000

This article was last updated on January 12, 2023

Risk management is an important part of every trading market. The forex market is no exception. Many people start trading, get lucky, and make a lot of money, but then lose it, because of a lack of risk management. This is why we want to dedicate a whole guide to the basics of forex risk management, especially targeted toward beginners. However, this doesn’t mean that there won’t be useful information for experienced traders as well.

We will go over everything that we believe is important, which includes risk management fundamentals, and more. Without further ado, let’s get right into it.

Basics Of Risk Management Strategies For Forex Trading Beginners

Trading in the foreign currency (forex) market requires careful attention to forex risk management. Because of how quickly exchange rates can change and how unpredictable the market is, traders must be able to efficiently manage their risk. Setting stop-loss orders is one of the most crucial ideas in forex risk management. When the market swings in a bad direction, a stop-loss order is a type of order that automatically closes a deal. This enables traders to appropriately control their risk and reduces the possible loss on a trade.

Position sizing is a key idea in the management of FX risk. Position size is the process of figuring out how many lots or units to trade according to the amount of money that is at stake. This makes it less likely that a single trade will use up a large percentage of the trading money and put the trader in danger of going bankrupt.

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Furthermore, it’s critical to understand the risk-reward ratio. It is a technique for weighing possible trade returns against the risks. Trading professionals may efficiently control their risk by choosing which trades to enter and exit by being aware of the risk-reward ratio. Variety is crucial. Spreading the risk and reducing the effect of any single trade on the whole portfolio can both be accomplished by diversifying the portfolio among various currencies and assets. It enables investors to diversify their holdings and spread out their capital.


It’s critical to keep up with any political and economic changes that can have an impact on the foreign exchange market. As a result, traders may be better able to predict market changes and decide when to enter and quit trades. Finally, keep a positive outlook and avoid overreacting to temporary market changes. Composure is a skill in the field of trading. And risk management is the most valuable skill for beginners in the forex market.

Understanding Risk Management In Forex Trading For Beginners

There are a number of additional techniques for traders to control their risk in the forex market, in addition to the previously described risk management strategies. To help traders establish stop-loss orders and take-profit levels, one strategy is to employ technical analysis to pinpoint important market support and resistance levels. Another strategy is to employ fundamental analysis to comprehend the underlying political and economic forces that influence currency fluctuations and to use that knowledge to make more intelligent trades.

Risk management in forex trading includes money management as a key component. This entails defining specific objectives for each trade, selecting the right position size based on the amount of capital at risk, and monitoring the portfolio’s performance on a regular basis. This will assist traders in limiting their exposure to risk and avoiding excessive leverage in their deals.

Risk-adjusted performance measurement, which enables traders to evaluate the risk-adjusted return of a trade by taking into account both the potential return and the potential risk, is another way to reduce risk. This will make it easier for traders to decide which trades to engage and exit as well as the expected return for a particular degree of risk.

Additionally, it’s crucial to keep a trading notebook where you can document your transactions, the justification for your entry and leave, your feelings as you make the deal, and any other pertinent details. This routine can assist traders in spotting patterns in their trading behavior and modifying their strategy as necessary.

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In conclusion, minimizing risk is essential for long-term success in the forex market. Beginners traders can reduce risk and increase returns by putting into practice good risk management tactics, including as placing stop-loss orders, diversifying the portfolio, keeping an eye on leverage levels, and frequently analyzing performance in the forex market.

Creating Risk Management Policies

Guidelines for position sizing and money management must be part of the risk management policy. This entails figuring out the right position size based on the amount of money at risk and modifying the size as necessary to keep within the risk tolerance criteria. It should also contain instructions for determining take-profit levels, profit objectives, and stop-loss orders.

The procedures to be performed when a trade goes against the trader should also be specified in the risk management policy. This entails deciding on an acceptable loss threshold and acting to close the trade or modify the stop-loss order if the deal reaches that threshold. The policy should also specify how losses should be recovered, including by modifying position size, reviewing trade techniques, and taking a sabbatical from trading.

Monitoring the performance of the portfolio on a regular basis is another critical component of a risk management strategy. This involves monitoring the overall performance of the portfolio as well as the profit and loss on each deal. In order to maximize returns while lowering risk, it also entails evaluating the risk-adjusted return of each transaction and modifying the approach as necessary.

A risk management policy can be as a living document that should be regularly evaluated and modified especially for beginners in the forex market. The policy should be adjusted to reflect changes in market conditions.

Using Stop-Loss Orders

You can use a preset cash amount or a percentage of the account’s equity to set stop-loss orders, among other options. A trader might, for instance, put a stop-loss order at $100 or, if that amount is lower, 2% of the account’s equity. While stop-loss orders can aid in limiting losses, it is crucial to remember that there is always a chance of slippage in fast-moving markets, therefore they cannot guarantee against losses.

Using trailing stop-loss orders is yet another method for risk management. When a trader uses a trailing stop-loss order, the stop-loss level is automatically adjusted as the market swings in the trader’s favor. The stop-loss order will move up to 1.2950 if the market moves up to 1.3050, for instance, if a trader buys a currency pair at 1.3000 and places a trailing stop-loss at 50 pips. By doing this, traders may protect their gains while the market is moving in their favor and avoid losing money if it does the opposite.

Another approach is to use a volatility-based stop-loss, which modifies the stop-loss level in response to market volatility. In turbulent markets where prices can change dramatically in a short amount of time, this strategy may be advantageous.

It’s also crucial to remember that stop-loss orders should be positioned strategically, according to the analysis of the trader and the circumstances of the market at the time. Stop loss orders should not be placed too closely to the market price as this increases the danger of slippage, or too far away as this will not offer enough protection in the event that the transaction goes against the trader.

Implementing Position Sizing

Utilizing a predetermined percentage of the trading capital is one typical approach of calculating position size. A trader might opt, for instance, to risk no more than 2% of their capital on a single transaction. By dividing the trading capital by the predetermined fraction, a trader can use this strategy to determine the proper position size for any trade.

Utilizing position sizing depending on volatility is another strategy. This strategy changes the position size in accordance with the volatility of the currency pair being traded. When trading a highly volatile currency pair, for instance, a trader can choose to open a smaller position because the likelihood of large price swings raises the risk of the deal.

Another key thing to consider when determining position size is the risk-reward ratio. Investors should weigh the potential risk and return of a trade before deciding how big of a position to take. The possible return is three times greater than the potential loss, for instance, in a deal with a risk-reward ratio of 1:3. Traders might take a bigger position size in this scenario.

Leverage should be taken into account while determining position size. Although it raises the possibility of losses, leverage enables traders to manage huge holdings with a relatively modest amount of cash. When employing leverage, traders should exercise caution and make sure that the position size does not exceed their available capital.

Finally, it is critical for traders to routinely analyze and keep an eye on the performance of their entire portfolio. Traders should modify the size of their positions when market conditions change to make sure that they remain consistent with their overall risk management plan and their degree of risk tolerance.

Using a Risk-to-Reward Ratio

Establishing an adequate risk-to-reward ratio is a crucial component of managing forex risk because it enables traders to make well-informed decisions regarding when to enter and exit trades. A higher risk-to-reward ratio typically indicates that there is a bigger chance of profit than of loss, which can make the deal more alluring. On the other hand, a smaller risk-to-reward ratio can mean that the possible loss is larger than the potential gain, which could make the trade less appealing.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that both a high risk-to-reward ratio and a low risk-to-reward ratio don’t always indicate that a transaction is good. Along with risk-reward ratio, several other elements should be taken into account, including market conditions, technical and fundamental research, trading techniques, and risk management measures.

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Traders should take into account the risk-to-reward ratio at several levels, such as the stop-loss level and the take-profit level, in addition to calculating the ratio for the entire trade. In addition to making sure that the stop-loss level is acceptable in light of the market conditions, a trader should attempt to set stop-loss orders at a level where the risk-to-reward ratio is advantageous. The risk-to-reward ratio should be favorable for setting take-profit levels as well.


In conclusion, there are dangers associated with forex trading, but traders may decrease their exposure and increase their returns by comprehending and putting into practice good risk management tactics. Having a solid understanding of fundamental ideas like stop-loss orders, position sizing, money management, risk-reward ratio, and diversification can help traders safeguard their capital and keep their portfolios stable.

Additionally, traders can stay educated and make wise selections by routinely reviewing performance and following political and economic trends. A well-considered risk management policy that is periodically evaluated acts as a guiding principle to keep traders on course. Traders may handle the volatile forex market with greater assurance by keeping these ideas in mind, making it a crucial step on their road to success.

Finally, make sure you have a good risk management strategy in the forex market, especially as a beginner, before you start trading.


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Let It Hail (LYRICS) Fearless Motivation Ft. Alpha Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:29:55 +0000

Let It Hail (LYRICS) Fearless Motivation Ft. Alpha

Listen to the song now, on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Deezer, Amazon MP3, YouTube Music 

Let It Hail (THE SONG) Lyric Video – Fearless Motivation – WATCH FREE

One path, one goal and one dreamOne man, strong, like a whole teamOne love, one life, exactly one keyHolding under lock a beast the world is gon’ see

Stepping on the ground like I own it – strong with both feetNo teeth could ever bite the neck of fate like my ownTrekked a million miles through storms, by no meansHave I ever let them consume me, they’re my home

Born while it thundered, like a lightning from the skyBeen dealt the hand of fate, not the strongest but it’s mineIt was never bout the fall but how to riseIf you’re stuck, against a wall, look up and start the climb

What defines you? Strength or weakness?Make no mistake, you’re a beast, unleash it!If you don’t know how, let me share the secretGrab the chains with your teeth and break them into pieces

Let it hail!Let the rain turn ground into mudI learned of beauty in the pain, when you’re going through the roughI’m, tougher than ever, stronger by so muchThat I got hands in the skies and pray it hails from above

Let it hail!Let the rain turn ground into mudI learned of beauty in the pain, when you’re going through the roughI’m, tougher than ever, stronger by so muchThat I got hands in the skies and pray it hails from above

In love with moments when fate shows a lessonThat’s been packaged in a way that you have never expectedMaybe in less so you learn what is preciousOr, maybe in more so you taste what success is

You obey and believe like you’re out of sightBlind faith and strong heart make the greatest mightTake that and add a little bit of fightNow you got a weapon that can change anything to light

Rewind the clock, remember days you equate to hellWhen it was make or break, don’t you see what you made yourself?Fought the damned demons, taken hits like a champFell down, but me and you, we get up and stand

Without a plan, let alone a guarantee of chanceVictory’s been granted by the will of fateWithout a plan, let alone a guarantee of chanceA beast is banished once they learn it can’t be detained

Let it hail!Let the rain turn ground into mudI learned of beauty in the pain, when you’re going through the roughI’m, tougher than ever, stronger by so muchThat I got hands in the skies and pray it hails from above

Let it hail!Let the rain turn ground into mudI learned of beauty in the pain, when you’re going through the roughI’m, tougher than ever, stronger by so muchThat I got hands in the skies and pray it hails from above

One path, one goal and one dream. One man, strong, like a whole team

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How to Ignite the Spark Within for Future Success Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:28:29 +0000

What is it that makes some people great leaders while others remain followers? What magic do they have that others don’t? What special blessing gives them the power to bring significant change? 

Practically, all of us come to this world with our own reserve of magic. Unfortunately, not everyone can unleash it, and there lies the difference. Many people are immensely talented in this world. 

The question is, how do they utilize the talent to reap favorable and sustainable returns?

The leaders possessed some unique traits. They adopted unconventional approaches and practices. Extraordinary individuals are ordinary individuals with extraordinary outlooks and ways of life. 

They do things differently with their positive attitude and critical thinking abilities. They don’t let events control them. Instead, they control the events to take things forward. They don’t blame circumstances. 

Instead, they work with what they have with an optimistic mindset. They make things fall into place. Succinctly, they make things happen to excel as extraordinary achievers and leaders.

There is a pattern of unique practices and habits that converts ordinary individuals into extraordinary individuals and extraordinary individuals into inspiring individuals. 

By understanding this pattern and applying the practices effectively, you can unlock your hidden potential to achieve more.

The power to become big is within you!

We are all blessed with huge potential. The magic lies in unlocking our potential. Most people waste their precious time by thinking about their unpleasant past which cannot be changed and worrying about their future which cannot be predicted. 

What we have now is the present. Hence, we must make use of the present to let loose our hidden potential to achieve amazing success in life.

Great leaders are great learners. They also help build the next generation of leaders, so their model is replicated by multiple heads. Hence, you must grow as a leader first, and eventually groom others as leaders. 

Most people think that they cannot become leaders, when in fact, everybody is a leader. The mother who leads at home; the father who takes responsibility; and the janitor who delivers his goods with excellence is a leader. 

Leaders are the ones who lead from the front by taking responsibility. They spread fame during success and take blame during failures.

Here are some popular tools and techniques:

When you want to become big, you must believe in your abilities. Realize your hidden potential as everybody is born a genius, and nobody is born stupid.
Think that you are a champion. Tell yourself that you have great powers within you. 
Meet people who know about your special skills and are inspired by you. Let them inspire you back by restoring your self-belief. 
Be a continuous learner and take feedback constantly to grow in life. As long as you love and learn, you are young. The day you stop loving people and learning things, you become old. 
Lead from the front. Take responsibility for things that you are a part of. Lead from the front. 
Any task, big or small, involves personally making things happen instead of waiting for others to take charge.
The intention of doing things matters more than the designation that is authorized to do things. Give your best to develop the identity of a leader, whatever your position in the hierarchy.
Make work simpler. Research well so you know the origin of the problem. Work towards eradicating the problem instead of merely following orders.
Make a plan, and act according to it. Review the plan and action at regular intervals vis-à-vis the results.
Know what you want and how you want it. Focus on making it happen.
Develop the attitude. A positive, correct, and strong attitude is critical to excel in life. 
A leader doesn’t necessarily need others to tell him how good he is. He is self-motivated; hence happy and pleasant.
Pull yourself to the level where success doesn’t make you too happy or failure doesn’t make you fall. Read about other achievers, spend time with nice people, and develop a constructive hobby ― know how to detach and when. 
Contribute your best, irrespective of what you receive in return. Even if there is negative reinforcement and you receive sarcasm or criticism, your contribution, if you are committed, should not suffer. Emphasize excellence. 
If you feel something will lead to a wrong practice or set the wrong precedence which will be harmful in the long run, voice it out instead of keeping it to yourself and complaining in isolation. Your concern will be appreciated.
Balance your personal, professional, and social life. Divide your goals into three categories ― personal, professional, and social. Set these goals based on your passion and principles. So, how can one go about setting these goals in life? 

“The self-discovery of your inherent leadership potential and an understanding of who you are and what you are meant to be are the keys to fulfilling your purpose from existence as a leader.” — Myles Munroe

Ask yourself what you want to achieve in your personal life. Find out your strengths and weaknesses, and set your personal goals based on your interests and strengths. 
If you are fond of reading, set your goal as to how many books you want to complete in a year and what you must gain. 
Identify the careers and people you are passionate about, and set your professional goals accordingly. 
Discover who would you want to be like, in your professional set-up. Must be someone you admire. Observe him and understand what is it that interests you so much. Write down those traits and how he exercises them. Make a note of how you can develop those traits, given your strengths and limitations. Follow that.
Emphasize means, not ends. 
You can’t change the people, a system, or a society in one go. But by doing the right things, and by setting the right examples, you can inspire others to follow you. Results will eventually come to you
Work for satisfaction, not for recognition. Remember, satisfaction is the end product while recognition is the by-product. 
Minimize boredom by finding new ways to accomplish the same tasks. This will enhance your efficiency. For example, if you are in sales, try to introduce different sales pitches as per the personality of the client instead of parroting the same things spoken by everyone.
Be zealous about what you do. Don’t worry about setbacks. Try to ask questions so you never hit the market with confusion in mind. Knowledge and zeal show and those naturally culminate in favorable results.
Think out of the box to achieve success in your personal, professional, and social life.
Keep people before profit. 
The relationships you create are your biggest assets. Always prioritize them.
Feel the company of people who appreciate you for what you are. Make them happy. Make them feel special. Help them to dream and achieve big. The network of relationships you create will help you achieve your dreams. 
Pamper them, listen to them, and empathize with them. Make them come to you when they need emotional support. Spread smiles and positivity.
If you approach people with selfish interests and forget them later, you will only attain short-term achievements. 
Time is money. Whether you are rich or poor, you are blessed with time. Make use of it wisely. You have only one life. Hence, use your time judiciously to provide meaning to your life.
Cut down on the time you spend endlessly browsing social media or watching television. 
Don’t waste time bickering with people at the slightest of disagreements. Don’t engage in loose talks. Winning an argument would not fetch you any prize. Gossiping will show you in poor light. Put that time to better use.

Now that you have applied the above pointers, you will have probably realized the difference between being. You will be taken a lot more seriously than before, and your life has already started changing. Now we can delve deeper to inspect how we can take your training further. 

As you have armed yourself with the above pointers, the homework is already done. 

All we need to do now is to ignite your spark.

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The Communication Secrets That Top Leaders Swear By Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:26:52 +0000

As someone knee-deep in the trenches of running a business or managing teams, you know there’s a critical component that often goes unnoticed until it’s missing: clear, effective communication. This is why I offer communications skills training. A 2019 study has shown how essential this skill is: people are predominately hired for their competencies but likely to be fired due to a lack of people skills, skills such as being able to motivate, build trust and develop rapport with others.

Communication skills are fundamental to the success of any individual/team. When teams communicate well, projects seem to run as if on greased wheels; when they don’t, even simple tasks can become a Herculean challenge.

Getting the Foundations Right

The initial step in refining our communication prowess is recognising that clarity rules but tone come in a very close second. The way we stitch our sentences or craft our conversations must hinge on delivering our message without the frills that muddle it. Yet, we need to be able to create flexible communication styles to get the best out of diverse teams and individuals, as everyone has unique needs!

This means striking the balance between what you need to say and how you say it.

This simplicity starts with understanding our audience. Just as a skilled chef considers dietary preferences before curating a menu, effective communicators are often leaders who tailor their approach based on who is on the receiving end. Do they share your professional jargon, or will industry terms leave them baffled? Adjusting your linguistic palette to suit your listener’s taste is not pandering – it’s practical.

Compare the techniques of influence and communication to the volley of a tennis match: the serve, the return, the back-and-forth of the rally. The game requires adaptability, anticipation, and strategic play. Similarly, conversation requires active listening, not just to respond but to understand – to engage with the underlying sentiments and values that shape the discourse.

Crafting the Message with Care

The heart of communication lies in the careful construction of your message. The words you choose are the bricks with which you build understanding, and their arrangement is the mortar that holds meaning in place. But how does one select the right words? For many people in the business world, there’s a lack of knowledge as to what language will land.

Presentations lack a central message that hits at the heart of your audiences’ needs. This is especially challenging with mixed audiences, for example, when there are technical and business-focused listeners.. You need to think about what you want to get out of a presentation from both your perspective and that of your audience!

When we compose an email or prepare to speak, it’s useful to imagine ourselves on the receiving end. Empathy – the capacity to place oneself in another’s position – is a guiding star in the cosmos of communication. A simple shift in perspective can transform our approach, helping us avoid potential pitfalls and fostering a more profound connection with our audience, that will make both you and your message memorable – for the right reasons.

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” – Tony Robbins

Engaging with Emotion and Logic

Humans are emotional creatures dressed in the veneer of logic. Our conversations often weave through both domains, requiring us to balance rational thought with emotional intelligence. It’s a ballet where each participant must be attuned not only to their own steps but also to their partner’s emotional cues.

An effective communicator recognises when to appeal to reason and when to connect with feeling. If you want to be an effective communicator, you’ll need to increase your presence. This awareness is pivotal in situations laden with tension or when persuading an audience. By tapping into shared values or concerns, we create a resonant frequency that binds the speaker and listener in a shared experience.

Your Action:

Identify your core message and consider what you want your audience to remember.
Consider how you want to bring ideas to life through effective communication.
Engage through empathy and put yourself in your audience’s shoes. How would you react to that message?
Seek feedback afterwards to find out if communication has improved.

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